Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Tori's Dance Recital

OK so I promised you some pictures from the recital but unfortunately, I only got two! And they aren't that good since it was 11pm and my poor little thing was exhausted from her day of activity. She was hired to do a voiceover for a radio commercial and they taped on the same day as her recital so she didn't get there until right before her first number. That's why no before pictures! She did fantastic though despite the running around. She was so adorable and danced her heart out. The last number she did was her ballet routine and that is her least favorite so she wasn't thrilled about having her picture taken in that costume. Her jazz and hip hop costumes and dances are much more like her. Well enjoy these two and if I get anymore more I will post them.

1 comment:

Sissy said...

She's soooo cute! And her daddy's shirt matches her tu-tu! lol! J/K!

Thanks for posting them Lisa!